Thursday, September 9, 2010

When It Rains It Pours

I'm sitting here in the nursery, enjoying a few days off before baby Mason arrives. It's pouring outside, but I don't mind because I'm still in my pajamas and love hearing the rain! As I sit here, I reflect on the rush of emotions that have come over me the past few days. I don't know if it is the hormones or what, but they have ranged from being all out giddy to meet our little guy and excitement to being completely terrified (that feeling came during the hospital tour).

I look over at the crib and it is so mind boggling to think that in less than a week, it won't be empty any more. It makes me laugh and brings tears to my eyes all at the same time.

So blessed to have such great people around me, who support me, no matter what flood of emotion comes over me. My sister has been a God-send! I only wish I could have been as much of a support to her as she has been to me. Everyone needs a Jill ~ and I'm the only on lucky enough to have the one and only! My mom has been making arrangements to come and stay with me and has been awesome about putting up with me! My mother-in-law has been doing the same. I cannot image being surrounded by a better, more experienced, more understanding group of women. Richard, too, has been great. Poor guy, he has to walk that delicate line of being compassionate and understanding but also has reel me in when I start to go into a downward spiral. Somehow, 95% of the time, he knows exactly what I need (which is difficult because most of the time, I honestly can't tell you what I need)... whether it be a hug, a laugh, a kick in the pants, or a brownie batter Blizzard.

1 comment:

  1. Julie...I am thinking about you!! Please call if you need anything. Kati
