Sunday, November 29, 2009

Ski Trip 2009

Before we had kids, when we had time and money to do cool stuff,  we took a ski trip.  The whole idea of skiing is very romantic.  Cozy cabins, fireplaces, walking hand in hand with the snow falling all around you...  WRONG!  We had never felt so old (at the ripe age of 30) in our lives.  In the picture below, we look like we are having fun, but by the end of the trip we felt like someone had beat us with a baseball bat!  

While it was hard on our bodies, we did have a great time.  We made up songs and belted out Michael Jackson tunes on the trip out there.  My favorite part was when Richard had a pretty serious wipe out on the slopes and one of the ski medics came by asking if he needed assistance.  I could not quit laughing, which wasn't a good combination when I wasn't very steady on my skis anyway.