Thursday, March 3, 2011

Busy February

Wow! It's been a busy February... Busy with what, you may ask? Yeah, that's a great question... I'm not sure where the time goes, I think it disappears, especially when you are sleep deprived.

Mason has been getting up about 5-6 times a night for the past two weeks! I'm not sure what is going on with him, I just hope it passes quickly. I'm guessing he is either going through a growth spurt or teething. Poor guy! I need to remember that if I have a rough night, he too has a rough night.

Richard has spent the past several days in Las Vegas for the Lowe's National Sales Meeting, and Mason and I decided to take a trip to visit my mom and dad. We had a great time (except for the episodes of Mason wanting to party at 11:00 pm, 1:00 am and 3:00 am. Thankfully, my mom got up with Mason, which allowed me to get a few nights of uninterrupted sleep. There is nothing like the gift of sleep! Thanks Mom!

Life is good, God is great!