Saturday, July 24, 2010

Week in Review 7.24.10

Trying to keep in the habit of blogging, but I don't have anything specific to write about (please tell me I'm not the only one!).
Highlights of my week include:
1. Feeling like Richard and I got a very dear friend back. Feels just like old times, only with a twist. I am so proud of Richard for the MAN he is, for the FRIEND he is and most importantly for the great HUSBAND he is.
2. Found a new place in town called Orange Leaf. It's basically like a salad bar for frozen yogurt! It's amazing... and incredibly dangerous for me, as my doctor tells me I need to watch my sugar.
3. Had a doctors appointment this week. Doctor said all looks great and we are expecting our little boy to be here 2 months or less! Right now, it feels like he is practicing aerobics... and I'm loving every minute of it!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

God Moments

Do you ever have those moments that are so surreal/strange/peaceful that you know something bigger than yourself or coincidence has to be responsible for them? These moments are few and far between, but when they happen, you just close your eyes and focus on 1. catching your breath and 2. soaking in everything about the moment, in hopes that you can remember it for the rest of your life?

I experienced one of those moments this weekend.

You may not even believe it if I told you; It was a rare situation that most people probably wouldn't understand. And, I doubt I can even explain the situation to even come close to describing how it touched me. But, it was a moment filled with love and tears of joy for the people, blessings and struggles (which ultimately lead to blessings) put before me in my life.

Some situations and moments are SO much bigger than us! Don't forget to take time to savor the moments that take your breath away, that make your heart beat a little faster, or that bring about tears of happiness... They are truly a gift!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


So, last night I am laying in bed... One minute I am simply enjoying feeling little Baby Moss moving around and am daydreaming about what he's going to look like, what traits he'll get from me and his dad, dreaming about all the cute thing he'll say and do... Then, all of a sudden, it hits me: I have never owned a dog!

Dogs seem like a lot of work: waking up early to let them out, potty training, giving baths, obedience training... Come to think of it, those are all the things they baby books talk about. Yes, I've had cats, but they are easy (and honestly, my husband takes care of most of the cat chores). You don't have to potty train or bathe cats. Cats can pretty much fend for themselves, and I think they probably actually prefer when you are away. Babies need you 24/7... for everything! I'm sure I will manage, and will for sure give it my all, but talk about ANXIETY!

To Baby Moss: I can't wait to meet you! I realize that you are a gift from God and He will never give me more than I can handle. I realize I am not alone in this adventure. And, I am oddly comforted by the fact that they make leashes and 'kennels' (pack and plays) for kids.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Trying Something New...

Okay, I'm completely new to this blogging thing... And thought I would try it out, since it is the twenty-first century and all. Now, I know my life is not that interesting, so I'm not sure if anyone will even care, but hoping this can be a way to keep up with friends and family on what is going on in our lives ~ the good, the bad, and most importantly the funny!