Tuesday, July 20, 2010

God Moments

Do you ever have those moments that are so surreal/strange/peaceful that you know something bigger than yourself or coincidence has to be responsible for them? These moments are few and far between, but when they happen, you just close your eyes and focus on 1. catching your breath and 2. soaking in everything about the moment, in hopes that you can remember it for the rest of your life?

I experienced one of those moments this weekend.

You may not even believe it if I told you; It was a rare situation that most people probably wouldn't understand. And, I doubt I can even explain the situation to even come close to describing how it touched me. But, it was a moment filled with love and tears of joy for the people, blessings and struggles (which ultimately lead to blessings) put before me in my life.

Some situations and moments are SO much bigger than us! Don't forget to take time to savor the moments that take your breath away, that make your heart beat a little faster, or that bring about tears of happiness... They are truly a gift!

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