Christmas Tree 2010
We both recall waking our parents up super early and being so excited to see what Santa had brought us while we were sleeping. For me, the whole Santa thing kind of scared me. I mean the idea of a stranger sneaking into your house while you were sleeping was a little off. Anyway, I digress...
Richard remembers one of his favorite Christmas presents was a brown leather jacket he got around Jr. High. As he was telling me about it, I could hear the excitement in his voice even to this day. He said not only did the jacket look great on the outside, but that the inside even had a map printed on the inside (anyone who remembers the early 90's knows exactly what he's talking about). He was so proud of it that he admitted to wearing it when he had no business wearing a leather jacket (think 70 and sunny).
My favorite Christmas present also came around Jr. High. My parents had gotten us kids our own phone line and I got my very one candy apple red phone for my bedroom. No doubt, they were probably tired of their phone line being tied up (clearly this occurred before call waiting and cell phones). That year I also got a calculator with jewels as the buttons, I remember thinking it was the coolest thing ever! And, considering I loathe math, that's saying a lot.
Of course, my favorite present ever was about 2 years ago when I got engaged on Christmas Eve! The ring was stunning, but the thought of getting to spend the rest of my life with such a great guy makes me tear up just thinking about it. I had prayed I would meet someone like Richard (little did I know he was right under my nose the entire time) and my prayers were finally answered! We had both been through some rough, lonely Christmas's in the past, and the moment we got engaged somehow made all those tough times worth it. Thanks R for making my dreams come true that Christmas Eve and everyday since.
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