Friday, August 6, 2010

More Blessings

I used to be really good about keeping a gratitude journal. For those of you who don't know what a gratitude journal is, it is kind of like a diary of things your are grateful for. It's a great way to recap the day and not lose sight over what is truly important in life. Some times entries are 'deep' and very thought provoking. Other day's I'm thankful for things like Orange Leaf (I'm still a big fan!) and even that I'm just grateful that the day is over!
A few things I am grateful for this week are:

1. That my husband is a clean-being. After being away for several days, it's great to walk into a clean house! No dishes in the sink, no sticky spots on the kitchen counter... He's very considerate, and I am very appreciative.
2. I have great friends!
3. I have a great job ~ and work with some amazing people.
4. I'm thankful for low sugar products.
5. Found some baby lullabies of 80's music and pop songs... Bon Jovi, Michael Jackson, Lady Gaga, Heart... Excited to share some of my favorites with him!
6. As this baby gets closer to arriving, I'm beyond scared about giving birth ~ we're talking SERIOUS anxiety! To who ever invented the epidural, I would just like to say thank you in advance.

1 comment:

  1. I remember when you kept the gratitude journal. What a great idea! I should start one too =)
