Halloween is so fun when you are 6 years old. The mountain of candy, the costumes, the stories of ghosts and witches... Makes me think back to Halloween when I was a kid.
My brother, sister and I used to all play with our candy and make trades. Mine would be neatly organized by category (chocolate, sour, gum, stuff I didn't like) and my stash would last me until Christmas. Josh's would be all in a heaping, jumbled pile in a drawer in his room. Jill's would be something in the middle, and usually gone after two weeks ~ because she was so generous and share her candy with me while I was hoarding mine for a later date. Mom would charge us a Reese's tax, claiming she needed to test those to make sure no one did anything bad to our candy. Well played, Mom.
And then there was the year that mom waited until the last minute to get pumpkins to carve. By the time she went out, there were no more pumpkins left, so she came home with these pre-carved foam pumpkins thinking it would be okay. Or the year it was bitter cold and raining and she said if we would just forego trick or treating, she would take us to the store and buy any kind of candy for us we wanted. All great memories.
Sidenote: Now that I'm a mom, I completely get putting off pumpkin carving until the last minute and hoping the kiddo doesn't actually ask to carve a pumpkin. It's messy. And its taking a sharp knife and trying to carve into a round, slippery, hard pumpkin. Sounds like a recipe for a trip to the ER if you ask me. And, if it were raining, I would totally take Mase to trick or treat the aisles at Walmart and just get a few bags of candy and call it good.
Mason wants to be Deadpool this year. I've not seen the R rated movie, and neither has he. But he insists... Lucky for me no full masks at his school Halloween party, so he's going as a skeleton to school. Cute little bag 'o bones, don't you think?