We finished our half marathon together! I trained 6 months to run a half. Richard ran a total of 3 times prior to the race. |
After my first half, Richard caught the running bug and went out for a little jog... 9 miles later he came back. I loved his passion and was jealous of his natural running ability all at once. It took me 4 months and probably 100 runs to work my way up to 9 miles!
Since I was already trained up, I decided to enter one more half marathon, and Richard decided he was going to run it, too. Mistake? Perhaps. Making memories? Most definitely.
Listen up kids, here's the thing: We don't always have to make smart decisions. I pray to God Mase doesn't throw those words in my face someday!). Yes, stay away from drugs. Yes, try to save a little of your money and invest your yearly contributions to your IRA's and 401k's. But, sometimes you've got to live a little. That might be dating someone you 'shouldn't.' Buying a bright orange Coach bag when you were raised to buy neutral colors since they match everything. That may be pushing through with a surgery that others aren't supportive of because you feel in your gut it's the right thing to do. It might be running a half-marathon severely under-trained. Sometimes you've got to live a little and take risks.
We had a great time on our run.
Although pretty sure I had more fun than Richard. As I was running circles around him (literally, I'd run a little ahead, and then circle back to run with him), I was so proud of him. This was hard. He was totally unprepared. And
he stepped up anyway... Just like he did this entire past year. Sometimes we don't have time to think, we just have time to do. Sometimes we do have time to think and then we don't take risks. The bottom line: We Can Do Hard Things.