Monday, July 16, 2012

And I was RUNNING! (Forest Gump)

It's funny how God presents opportunities in our lives exactly when we need them.  My New Year's resolutions for 2012 were to get in shape: both spiritually and physically.  In January 2012, a friend of mine mentioned she was going to be teaching a Bible study at her church called Run for God.  I had no excuse not to join, this was the PERFECT opportunity.
I was scared to death... you see, I'm a cake school drop out.  Several years ago, I signed up for a cake decorating class a different friend of mine was teaching.  I lasted 2 for two weeks out of the 8 week course.  If I couldn't stick with cake (who doesn't love cake?), how was I going to stick with reading my Bible and running ~ two things that I have failed miserably at before.  
What a wonderful experience this 12 week class was!  It was amazing to feel my body getting stronger, and even more powerful to feel my soul getting more faithful.  The time I spent running, I would spend talking to God and counting my blessings (okay, and admittedly counting down the miles and minutes until my workout was finished).  
My secret bucket list had always included running in some sort of race, but I never told anyone about it because I didn't think I would ever actually do it!  Up through June, I ran in both 5k and 10k races, and even won first place in my 30-34 age group in one of them!  I usually had to run with Mason, who did a great job of cheering me on yelling "Go Mommy Go!" and "Go faster!"

My first 5k - Marshfield's Shamrock Shuffle
March 17, 2012
Time: 30 min 57 seconds

 Finishing my first 10k (6.2 miles)
One Sole Purpose in Springfield, MO
Extremely hilly course
May 4, 2012
Time: 1 hr, 7 min., 7 seconds
As you can see, the run wore Mason out!

Firecracker 10k in Branson, MO
Flat course on the Taneycomo lake front and The Landing
July 4th, 2012
1 hour, 2 minutes

July 14, 2012 my friend Alicia and I completed A Midsummer Night Run 10k in Joplin, MO.  The race started at 8:00pm and was ran mostly in the dark.  Lots of fun!
Time: 1 hr, 2 min. and 52 sec.