Last night, we went on a family date. Last nights family date consisted of Panera Bread, topped off with a peppermint hot chocolate. Richard and I were reminiscing about our wild and crazy single days when a date consisted of a whole grooming routine (for me shaving my legs and putting on matching underwear, for him putting on a hoodie that was washed within the last week), going out around 9:00 pm for dinner, drinks and dancing and would stumble in the door in the door at a very early morning hour, or worse, not at all (don't judge, we've all been there!). Here is what we discovered about NOW and THEN.
NOW when you don't return a text right away, it's because someone has likely spit-up all the way down your back or has had a massive blow out in the middle of Wal-Mart. THEN you purposely waited several hours, or even days to return a text so you didn't appear that you were too into someone else.
NOW you freshen up by changing out of that spit-up soaked t-shirt and put on a new t-shirt that you anticipate will stay puke free for about 3 hours max. THEN you freshened up by shaving your legs and putting on matching underwear (for me that meant lacy and racy, for Richard that probably meant no holes). If your night (or more likely morning) ended with puke on your clothes, that's okay, but at least it was likely your own puke and let's be honest, sometimes bad decisions lead to some really good memories.
NOW you hope to be in bed by 9:00 pm. THEN you were just stepping out of the shower preparing for your wild and crazy night.
NOW you feel so lucky that the baby slept until 6:00 am and find yourself thanking God for his blessings as you stumble to the coffee pot. THEN you felt that 10:00 am was awfully early and find yourself promising to God that you won't ever get that drunk again as you stumble from the bathroom. Since an egg McMuffin was no longer available at McDonald's you decide to just go back to bed.
NOW your husband asks you how your night was and if the baby slept all the way through. THEN you would call your friends and ask if you did anything to embarrass yourself the night before.
Funny how things change between NOW and THEN, isn't it? THEN was fun, but NOW is even better (and no hangover!).